----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cliff Nietvelt"
Subject: Pentax plans to focus on digital

> From PhotoZone:
> http://www.imaging-resource.com/NEWS/1086134375.html
> If this is true, I will be selling my Pentax 35mm
> equipment (MZ-S, Z1p, F-300mm f4.5, etc) very soon. I
> will keep people posted when I do (though I am not a
> regular contributer to this list).

I suppose all Pentax SLR film camera will stop working immediately
when the last film SLR rolls off the line.
Much the same way all their manual focus cameras and lenses became so
much scrap metal and plastic when the A series was discontinued in
favour of the F series.
Take heart though, Pentax is no a trend setter in this regard. The
other major makers have already indicated they will be getting out of
film SLR's very soon as well.

William Robb

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