> Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 20:24:05 -0400
> From: "Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: big glass and converters
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>       charset="iso-8859-1"
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> weather resistant body at least and at least a few lenses, 5fps or higher
> frame rate with at least 10 pictures on the fly, and more megapixels. 6
> megapixels is fine for magazine work but more is always better, other things
> being equal. if Pentax is going to deliver a $5K body, it will have to
> deliver the goods. if they aren't, then i will find a $5K body that will.

Yes indeed.  I wouldn't have expected Pentax to deliver a $5K body, so if 
that is in fact rumored I'm surprised.  It might still not have a 5fps 
"motor drive" given Pentax's apparent lack of interest in such things--it 
might instead be a competitor to the 1DS and Kodak 14N in having a slow 
frame rate and much higher resolution.  This would seem more in keeping
with Pentax design philosophy.

At the moment, only the Canon 1Dmk2 meets your specs.  Its worth noting 
than only Canon and Kodak make anything as expensive as $5k anymore.
I don't think the $5K price point will last long given how capable the 
$1500 cameras are for many professional uses.


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