Whenever I was losing a fight, say to 3 or more guys, I always ended up
hightailing it before I got seriously hurt actually.  Yes, I have run from
fights I probably couldn't win...  I once was walking down the street on
Saint Patty's, fairly intoxicated, but not falling down drunk, and the
unique thing is about this situation, in this town, Savannah, Saint Patty is
chaos.  Anyhow, 2 guys sitting on top of their SUV call me a name or
something and I tell him to get stuffed.  So they both jump down and say
they want to fight.  And me being me, I figure, what the hell, you know,
lets do it.  So I walk up to the first guy and he kind of runs away then the
other comes at me and he belts me right across the face, and some people
watching, gasp and say holy shit etc.  But being a dumbshit, he stands there
and watches to see what his punch did, I turn to him and say, "You hit like
a woman," really loud too, so everybody can hear it.  Then I walk towards
him and he pretends to have a knife, so in the interest of not getting
stabbed I hightail it out of there.  The moral is, I'm dumb enough to fight,
but not to get maimed.


-----Original Message-----
From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: reagan cortege

----- Original Message -----
From: "Treena"
Subject: Re: reagan cortege

Though I think P. Stenquist actually wrote....

>As written, it means you
> > have an asshole on your face.

Thats what comes from losing too many fights and being too stupid to
not get your nose knocked into your nasal cavity.
I am sure that as written, it's a pretty accurate description.

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