William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Stoddart"
Subject: Re: reagan cortege - no political content!


shows a soldier in a bearskin hat. Do American regiments wear


We are in the middle of an election here. The beaver head is the guy
our Prime Minister sent to represent Canada.
There are days I am embarassed to be Canadian.
Playing politics with a state funeral really gauls me.

William Robb

I don't know how that's "playing politics" as you put it.
It is one country showing respect at the funeral of another country's statesman. A proper and acceptable conduct.
It wasn't just a "state funeral," as you call it, it was a showing of honor toward the President of a neighboring state... and I think it was a nice gesture.
Why do you find it embarrassing?

keith whaley

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