Hi Rob,

On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 23:53:31 +1000, Rob Studdert wrote:

>> I have found 3 out of the 1000 I have sofar that have this corruption, all have
>> been shot using SanDisk 1Gb or Sandisk Ultra 512Mb cards.
>> In all cases it may have been a shot from a short sequence, so the in-camara
>> buffer might have been partly filled. I sucpect there is a firmware bug
>> somewhere ...
>> Has anyone else experienced the same kind of corruption ?
>Hi Jan,
>I've shot many more than 1000 RAW images and had zero corruption. What you 
>don't mention in your post is what method you use to transfer the captured data 
>to the application. Do you transfer the data to the local hard disk or were you 
>reading the files using the camera/USB connection? Do you use a card reader or 
>external hdd (like an X-Drive) or do you transfer image data direct from the 
>camera via USB?

I transfer the files by putting the CF-card in a PC-CARD adapter inserted
in laptop (IBM thinkpad). I copy the files to a special 'images' partition there.

Afterwards, I copy the new images over to my Photoshop system over
a local area network. That is the first time I can look at the RAW image
content and notice the corruption.

Since a few people have mentioned some problems due to copying, 
with the original image being OK, I will retry that step.

The last image that turned out to be corrupt is still on the 1Gb Sandisk
CF-card so I can retry. I will also install the Pentax image browser on
the laptop to see if it is Ok there ...

Thanks everyone for the tips.

Regards, JvW

If a second copy also fails, I might try to use the USB connection
directly from the camera. (Which I never have used before :-)
Jan van Wijk;   http://www.dfsee.com/gallery

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