
I'm afraid that would be wishful thinking.  The AVERAGE consumers are
switching to digital in droves.  I've been working at a local minilab for
only about 90 days so far, but we're selling 10-20 digital cameras for every
film camera.  We're also seeing an increase in digital printing that is the
same price, or less if printing 50 or more images, as prints from film.  I
would also guess that 60-70 percent of our film developing is from one time
use cameras.  Unfortunately, it is this user that supports film, not those
of us who are photographic enthusiasts.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Antonio Aparicio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: Film is Dying? (was Pentax is Dying?)

> Also, an angle not mentioned is the renewed interest folks are having
> in photography generally as a result of digital- perhaps it will be the
> saviour of film and not the other way around...
> A.

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