Market, maybe. You might want to thing about the fact that this is a mature industry with large plants working on small per unit margins. Plants wear out. As the volume drops, I suspect it will be very difficult to obtain the funds that are needed to keep the factory form the "banker" who has alternate options with better return. Soon, if not already, requests and plans for significant investment will the naturally tainted and for sure, quite thoroughly question. When these large plants go stop making film, the quantum impact in the marketplace is likely to a rather quick significant adjustment that has is to a large extent independent of the shape of the damned curve. Just my two cents..

Otis Wright


So much for demand side economics.

William Robb

William you could be right. Film may go away sooner than I realize. It may shoot up in price because fewer people are using it. But I don't think the "market' is that simple. I expect it to be much like the stock market UNPREDICTABLE (and I like to think of myself as a contrarian rather than a Lemming). If Kodak and Fuji want to keep selling film they will find cheaper ways to produce it. That may mean less choice. But I don't need 10-20 different types of film. I need a good slow speed film, medium and semi-fast in chrome and print. Define Soon you ask? I don't know what soon is. I think if I want to shoot film in 10 years I will be able to at a reasonable cost. I don't think the corner drug store will necessarily be offering film processing, but do we really want to bring our film to corner drug stores anyway?
I could be completely wrong. In five years I may be sitting on some very expensive paperweights. What bothers me is that the people who are pushing d
igital-is-the-future, write about it as if they know the future. They've figured the whole thing out. Sheesh, I hope they're buying stocks in this digital stuff.
P.S. -I am not anti-digital. I own a Canon digital point and shoot camera. I THINK IT IS GREAT. When I think I need a digital SLR I will buy it. I work at a major daily newspaper where the photogs have used digital Nikons for many years. They are incredibly useful in the fast-paced world of photojournalism. But that's not a world many of US live in. We may think we do, but waiting an hour or a day to get film back is rarely going to cost us anything but inconvenience... I know many will not agree with me. I don't like going on an on about a subject that has no real answer (yet) so this is my last word for now on the subject. Thanks
Vic PS. sorry for the longish post...

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