Kevin, I just buy all of mine from B&H online.  Photocontinental (07-3849
4422) has some but is very limited with choices, and you could maybe try
Vanbar too (you can buy online from them but they
have more of a range in their warehouse than what they offer online, if they
don't have what you want online, they probably will if you call them)...

CR Kennedy also stocks a range, can't remember the brand off hand, but check
out their website...

I use the Bogen/Manfrotto range of gels, all of which I purchased from B&H.

Hope that helps! :-)

Tanya Mayer Photography

Qld, Australia
Ph +61 (07) 49831247
Mobile +61 0429831247

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Waterson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, 12 September 2004 10:44 PM
Subject: gels in Australia

Does anybody know of an outlet for gels (for flash) in Australia?
Lastolite dealer or similar?
Also looking for scrims, diffusers etc.
I have poked about, but nothing really. Nobody seems to have a good
selection, just bits and pieces.

Kind regards

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Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia

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