Don't forget that in many countries the standard is service with a scowl, McDonald's trains their employees to smile at customers.

Daniel J. Matyola wrote:

Actually, when I am in Europe, it seems they have as many McDonald's restaurants there as in the US, and they always seem to be quite full of locals. This was as true in London, Paris and Moscow as in rural Ireland. Quite a number of fast food joints in BC and Alberta when I was last there, come to think of it.

Personally, I find McDonals's good for only three things: 1) If you need to find the tourist center of any town, just follow the McDonald's signs. 2) When you are in a strange city, and in desparate need of a clean restroom. 3) When in a country that serve tiny cups of coffee, one can get a large hot cup of of dependable, if not outstanding quality, black coffee there.

With this mermaid discussion... just thinking that the French have that nice Eiffel Tower, and they also were kind to the yankees and sent them the Statue of Liberty, unfortunately these guys south of here are busy replacing that with the McDonalds logo. C'mon guys, some more arteestec sense, will ya' ?

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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