Hi Rob,

Thanks for jumping in.  I don't define sharpness as saturation, contrast,
or exposure latitude.  Nor am I looking for apparent sharpness.  And, as
noted, I'm not concerned with color rendition. Perhaps, of all the
definitions found for sharp, or sharpness, acuteness would be the closest
for use with film.


> From: Rob Brigham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 9/22/2004 8:16:27 AM
> Subject: RE: Sharpest Color Film
> Depend on how you define sharpness I guess.
> I found Reala to be more detailed and have more exposure lattitude than
> Superia which I don't like also due to its colour palette.
> Other films by default could possibly be more contrasty than Reala
> though so could 'appear' sharper.
> Rating Reala at ISO 80 rather than its suggested 100 (and developing as
> normal) also increases saturation & contrast and makes it the best neg
> film ever in my opinion.

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