----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell"
Subject: RE: Large Format vs. Digital/Stitching

> You cannot see the final composition before shooting with the pan
> and stitch technique. You CAN with a conventional
> camera technique. That is unequivably better feature. PERIOD.
> Why use an SLR if you do care about

Composition is about deciding what you want in the picture, and then
making sure that it is in the picture.
You can do it in one shot or many, it really makes no difference.
The photographer is in full control of composing the image, no matter
how many exposures it takes to get what he wants.

Your "feature" has more to do with technique and philosophy than with
taking pictures.

Her's a hypothetical question for you:
You are shooting with a view camera, and have every intention of
scanning the film for printing (I know you do this routinely).
Your vision of what you want cannot be done with the equipment

What do you do?

Do you walk away, satisfied that the picture you wanted to take is
not possible?
Or do you take a couple or more pictures, overlapping them enough to
stitch them in Photoshop?
Or, do you think about doing that, but decide that you can't compose
a picture that way, and walk away, again, satisfied that the picture
cannot be taken?

William Robb

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