The stop may not be infinity but the mark should be. My Graphic focuses past infinity, that does not mean i can not set it there. Also anything between infinity and the hyperfocal distance should be sharp so you probably only have to be within a quarter turn of the focus ring.

I notice in other comments to this thread that people seem to be blaming all kinds of other problems on focus. Out of focus is out of focus. Soft do to mist on the lens is soft. Vibration do to inadequate tripods and heads are motion. Only poor focus is a focus problem and there is no, none whatsoever, excuse for that when the subject is at infinity (600+ X the focal length).


Anders Hultman wrote:
On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, Graywolf wrote:

Surely the moon is at infinity. I can not even begin to see how you
could have a focus problem. Autofocus problem yes, focus no.

Long lenses don't always are set to infinity at the end of the scale. If
getting the moon in focus only had required to turn the focusing ring
until it hits the end, it would be easy. But often infinity is a little,
little bit before the end. I once read why that is so, on this list, but
have forgotten the details. Something to do with temperature.

med dagens bild och allt!

-- graywolf

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