I'll have to make a short MOOSE fac

1. You don't take out the whole Moose - you remove the intestines (maybe except the liver) the hide and lots of time the lower parts of he legs.

2. Believe or not but up to the 1970's people in my area used to carry the meat - it could be distances up to 20 kms. They were quite tough, many had been lumberjacks. Some of my generation can do it but many dont have the stamina for some excercise anymore.

3. European - Scandinavian Moose is a bit smaller than Canadian with slaughtered weight ranging from say 150kg up 400 kg (rare size), nevertheless it was a heavy job to carry the burden out. The Scandinavian Moose however is a Moose and not an Elk or Wapititi as some people translate it into.

4. Nowadays when people are getting lazy terrain going vehicles - small 4wd buggies, tractors, particular "draggers" are being used to haul out the Moose.

5. You are right about the killing distance in the sense that one want a good clean shoot - the risk of injuring the Moose is to big at larger distances.

6. In our area the shooting is done through tracking with a dog (very skilled hunters can do it by themselves but they dont have the intricate smell of the dog) from one end of the are to the other - at the end of the area there is usually the rest of the hunting team posted at regular intervalls where one think the chased Moose might pass.

7. Why do we do it with such fine animals- we simply get too many otherwise - they become a hazard both in the traffic and for the woods (they eat small tree plants) - to few natural predators. Also it was in the past an important source of food and in parts of Scandinavia is one of the largest sorts of meats being consumed.

8. In the mountains where there are longer distances, the Lapps or Same as they want to be called actually use helicopters to get the meat out.

9. I'd love to see the secret service guys hauling the Moose in their slacks in one of the frequent northern wetlands.





Peter J. Alling wrote:

The point is that a Moose weighs in at a conservative 1200-1500lbs, (thats 550-700kg for the metricly impaired).
If you shoot one farther than 100 yards from a road you'll never get it out of the woods, (unless you do have a helicopter, or maybe a detachment of, quietly swearing, secret service agents).

Ronald Arvidsson wrote:

Not from some kind of transportation, car, helicopter, whatever...

Peter J. Alling wrote:

Bill Clinton would probably shoot the Moose more than 100 yards from a road...

Cotty wrote:

On 12/11/04, Ronald Arvidsson, discombobulated, unleashed:

From where I come we don't cheat on our wifes to become a "real man" we rather take out our frustration on shooting a moose. The meat has got a far better taste than Bill's cigar (havent tasted his cigar though ). Hmmm. Maybe a should shoot the Moose with a camera...

Is this man in the full process of enabling himself or am I one of Bill
Clinton's cigars??

Okay, let me put it this way.

is this man in the full process of enabling himself or am I Bill
Clinton's moose?

Cheers, Cotty

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