Good tip!
I can see where that might be quite useful.


Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Considering how prevalent Photoshop is in current photographic workflow,
perhaps this isn't very much off topic at all. Tonight, while exploring
the program, I discovered a new (to me) tool, buried beneath the Blur tool
along with the Smudge tool. It's the Sharpen tool.

You can use it as another method to selectively sharpen without sharpening
the whole picture ... Use the Sharpen Tool set at, for example, 50%
strength with a soft edged brush to selectively sharpen eyes or other
specific points of interest. Set the brush size accordingly & click those
areas until you get the desired sharpness. What's nice about the tool is
that it's very adjustable; it can be used in Normal, Darken, and Lighten
modes and it can also be faded, like many other tools, including, as I just
discovered, Unsharp Mask. Try it out ... you may like it and find some
uses for it.


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