I'm sorry to tell you that changing the metering mode in Ds is not as
simple as pushing ONE button.
It involves going into menu to make the change. So the Menu button and 2
pushes of the UP button, One push of the RIGHT button and UP or DOWN
depending on which mode you choose.
So there you go.... As I said, not the simplest, but since I use mostly
Center Weighted mode, I just leave it there....


-----Original Message-----
From: Jaume Lahuerta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 7:08 PM
Subject: Changing metering modes in Ds?


The Ds has a great amount of interesting features but
its simplicity (few wheels and buttons) can make the
access to some of these features too complicated to be
really usable.

Being my current AF camera a MZ-5n, that has a
dedicated and very convenient commandment to change
between spot, multi-zone and CW metering mode, I am
worried about how does it works in the Ds and how
convenient it is to use 'in the field' (I use it a lot
in the 5n).

So, have any of you tried this in a Ds?

Thanks and regards,

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