Great news, Jaume, it takes 11 clicks through menus at worst, 3 at
  best (hopefully one can wrap scrolling through the recording menu).
  Pentax placed the metering mode as well as flash compensation at the
  bottom of the menu page; image tone and size are considered far more
  useful options (or needed more debugging and the test department
  required faster access to it!?). :oY
  Servus,  Alin

Jaume wrote:

JL> The Ds has a great amount of interesting features but
JL> its simplicity (few wheels and buttons) can make the
JL> access to some of these features too complicated to be
JL> really usable.

JL> Being my current AF camera a MZ-5n, that has a
JL> dedicated and very convenient commandment to change
JL> between spot, multi-zone and CW metering mode, I am
JL> worried about how does it works in the Ds and how
JL> convenient it is to use 'in the field' (I use it a lot
JL> in the 5n).

JL> So, have any of you tried this in a Ds?

JL> Thanks and regards,
JL> Jaume

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