On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 17:48:35 -0600, Don Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the critter that joined my household one week ago
> and has caused quite a commotion:
> http://www.donsauction.com/PDML/Whitley.htm
> 8yr old  Cocker with his favorite 'Squeaky Toy', the burger.
> I have NEVER seen an animal as hard to photograph!
> He is jet black with no gloss and eyes that light up a
> brighter yellow under flash than any cat I've ever seen.
> This is with main and small fill flash, just a JPG
> snapshot but the only one so far that shows the dog
> and not just a black spot in space.  :-(
> It's like taking a picture of a light-trap!
> That burger is a very dirty brown.
> ist D and ATX 80-200/2.8 at 200/8-ISO 200
> Q+D burn on the eyes.
> Don (Any suggestions on pics of "black things" welcome!)

Geez, I wish I could get detail in dark fur like that!  <vbg>

Cute dog, but his (her?) eyes look a bit intense.  I don't think it
would be a good idea to try to take that plastic burger from him.  <g>

Nice shot - it seems you've captured a bit of the dog's personality.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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