Wierd discoveries:
I've been folling around with my D and some TTL flashes (AF 500FTZ, Metz CT3
and Metz 32 Z-2).

Unlike PZ-1  and MZ-S, when the camera is set to Green Program or "P", it
will NOT choose speeds longer than 1/60 sec.
(using FA 1.4/50mm), no matter which dedicated falsh is used (This used to
vary with the falsh used). That's an improvement - I used to hate, when it
choose 1/30 sec. The reason for using MANUAL-mode when ever a flash was on.

In Green Mode the camera will choose fro 1/60 to ?
If the speed is faster than 1/150 sec. the flash simply won't fire.
But here's the funny part: If I point the camera directly into a light
source (light bulb) the camera may chose a bigger aperture (like 2.0) and a
slightly faster speed (like 1/200sec.) If I turn the camera down towards a
darker place - it will choose perhaps 5.6 and 1/100 sec.
Now, that's wierd!!

In P mode it's the same as green mode, except it will not go above (faster)
1/150 sec. (max sync. speed)
(Green mode and P-mode is good for all 'round shooting)

In Tv mode the camera can be set to any speed equal to or slower than 1/150
Tv is good for "slow-flash" shots - you know; the girl friend in front of
the setting sun, utilizing the long speed for the background, the flash for
freezing the model).

In Av mode the camera will choose from speeds between 1/60 and 1/150secs.
Av is good for when you want to utilize the available light, without risking
too low speeds/motion blur.

I guess I'll start using Av mode now (now I have the lower 1/60 secs.
imit)  - and of cource I must remember to check the "flash OK" indication

I hope this makes sence for D-users as well as for DS-users.

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Jens Bladt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 6. februar 2005 16:37
Til: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Emne: RE: What setting. Was:flash on *istDs

I am a D-user, not DS.
But I belive this goes for both.
I never trust automatic flash programs, since I can't hold speeds longer
than 1/30 sec. still eneough, anyway.
I always shoot on MANUAL, when using a flash. The TTL will still works, when
using PZ-1 or later cameras!!

At long exposures (1/30 or longer) the flash will not "freeze movement" if
there's much available light present.
I set the speed and aperture accordning to the shooting conditions. I
prefere indirect flash, bounched off the cieling.
And I prefere to utilize as much as the available light as possible.

So, before selection my setting I make a redaing as if there's no falsh.
If it says 1/60 sec. F5.6, I may shoot at 1/60 sec. F8 or prhaps 1/125 F5.6
or F8 - if the subject (people) are moveing around. A small "underexposure"
(that is as close to the values, I got from measuring the available light)
will utilize as much of the available light as possible, still taking
advantage of the falsh.

Se my test:
No falsh, camera metering:

Clixk "next" to see the flash fotograph, based on the above shown metering,

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Sendt: 6. februar 2005 10:43
Til: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Emne: Re:What setting. Was:flash on *istDs

                                        >>Bruce said
> > As for using the 280T, try setting the ISO to 400 and then doing a few
> test shots to dial in some minus compensation.  I use the AF400T all
> the time for weddings and end up using about -2 stops compensation.  With
> most shots are pretty good in TTL.
> --
> Best regards,
> Bruce

What setting on the camera . Do you use Manual shutter and F stop or AV or
Tv etc.
My few test shots lately find Av and -0.5 seem good,but i have not delved
into it a lot.


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