> Hmm. My calculator spreadsheet says that a 24x35mm frame scanned
> at 2438ppi nets an image 2304x3455 pixels in size, or 7.6
> Mpixel. Something's off by a little bit somewhere... ;-)

Never calculated it just reading from the manual, shouldn't that be 24mm x 
36mm ?

> RAW is really the name of a format type, a "RAW file" means a
> different thing for every device that can create it. Viewscan
> simply encode the metadata and sensor data into a very simple
> TIFF format. If you analyze a Pentax .PEF file, it also is
> essentially a TIFF file with embedded metadata, a couple of JPEG
> low rez renders, and the sensor data in a tagged structure.

Right, so a raw file might have any file extension (propriety) depending on 
the device that created it. When looking at the files yesterday at work it 
was just (obviously) an exact scan of the negative (when viewed with 
Photoshop CS) no rotation or anything. I tried inverting to give me a 
positive and that gave me an image that would require a lot of editing, I'm 
missing something...yes?


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