
The first year I brought all my Pentax gear. Since then I have not done so - mainly because the trunk of a convertible was not big enough once I got the 645n kit.

I think I am in the minority in the amount of gear I bring along - some of it never sees the light of day though :-)

Is it ok to bring items for sale? Just ask Stan - I did not buy a vehicle from him only because he did have one for sale :-P

Hope I can contribute to the 'Return Kenneth Home Fund',

Panama City, Florida

Kenneth Waller wrote:

As a GFM attendee newby, I have the following  question?
Is it usual for attendees to bring some or all their gear?
What range of lenses are "normally shot" @ GFM?
Are items for sale ok to bring?

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cesar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: GFM & PDML

So are you saying that along with my K-mounts, screwmounts, 645, and
digital Pentax gear I should also bring along my Nikon F3 cameras and
gear?  I should also have a CoolPix sitting around somewhere...

Getting ready to host a shrimp & oyster festival this weekend,

Panama City, Florida

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