On Apr 29, 2005, at 11:39 AM, P. J. Alling wrote:

I think Kodak still makes a transparency kit for B&W film. It was meant for use with Plus-X not Tri-X however.

I think the reversal kit was originally designed for Panatomic-X. Could be mistaken, it's been years and years since I made B&W slides.

D. Glenn Arthur Jr. wrote:

Thanks for the answers. (So far it sounds like I should probably use a different developer, even though there's some chance that experimentation will show decent results from Sprint.)

In my last film/negative processing work, I came to using XTOL (and the workalike Patterson FX-50) as my standard film developer for Agfa APX25, Ilford Delta Pro 100, TMax 100 and 400. Exposed at one EV faster than the factory rated speed and processed one-shot in XTOL at 1:1 dilution @74F (used the Kodak time/temperature listings for time plus 10% at these speed ratings, also developed my own agitation schema for the processing), it delivers excellent tonal separation, does not block up highs easily, and produces high acutance/low grain.

For most films, my standard agitation process is very very gentle to minimize grain growth. TMax, however, wants a LOT of agitation to develop evenly ... Keep that in mind when working with it. I think this is because it was formulated with machine processing in mind. It, and Ilford Delta, also requires more time and agitation in fixing to clear fully.


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