On 9/5/05, Rick Womer, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Ah, to have been there (Sigh.)
>I really like the "Tate Modern Interior" and "Lens
>Test."  The others are good, too, in a journalistic
>sort of way.

Thanks. Must be the day job kicking in. My personal favourite is the Tate
shot - even though it's a photographic cliche. It's still a very strong
image nontheless, and I find myself drawn to it....

>Still awaiting a report on the beer.

Truth be told, there wasn't much beer.

Back at the hotel, Stan, Cath and Mike, Jostein and Vera, Rob Brigham,
and Alma and I sat down in the foyer with some drinks. Stan had some
bitter, and I think Jostein and Rob had lager. Mike was drinking cider,
and that sounded refreshing and so Alma and I had cider as well.

Actually there was a bit of wine flowing at 6pm in the cafe! And I didn't
want ti mix grape and grain as I do get a bit of a headache with that
combo, so I though apples would be better ;-)

Truth is, we were all so tired for one reason or another (travel /
children / jetlag ) that it wasn't really a beer-swilling type of meet.
That's not to say that I don't enjoy a beer-swilling type of meet. In
fact I would quite like a beer-swilling type of meet again, fairly soon I
reckon :-)


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