----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alin Flaider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 4:33 PM
Subject: Predictable Pentax

>   Remember MZ/ZX series? They started with MZ-5 and then came along no
>   less than five inferior models (10,50,7,60,30), together with two
>   other spin offs (5n and 3). It took Pentax 7 years to come up with a
>   top of the line (MZ-S).
>   So what do we have now, let's see: a base *ist D and two downgrades:
>   DS and DL. We should expect 3 to 4 more 6 MP derivatives together
>   with two other *ist D variations before we get a real flagship that
>   finally crosses the 6 MP barrier and maybe the APS size too.
>   Of course, this is assuming they can do the old flip again. And stay
>   in business.

I don't think you can make these kind of generalizations. In the late 80's 
Pentax shifted their focus from slr's to P&S's. The MZ series was simply a way 
to make profitable slr P&S's. The MZ-S existence was probably due to whining 
from Pentax loyalists. 
The main struggle for DSLR's at present is lower price. Lower prices means 
higher volumes particularly for Pentax. As Pentax are about to increase their 
customer base for DSLR such a move is hardly surprising. In fact, all 
manufacturers most important arena are in the lower price segments. A 
difference from the last 15 years for Pentax is that they now intend SLR's to 
become their main target area making comparisons to the 90's not very relevant.


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