G'day trendsetters,

Last night I updated my version of PTGui <http://www.ptgui.com> & I
ended up spending the next 3 hours stitching everything and anything I
could find putting it through it's paces. This is a very cool GUI for
the Panorama Tools program. The auto control points feature is
surprisingly accurate, and the blending is very good (It managed to
make a decent pano of some shots where the exposure's were all over
the place).

Anyway, I stitched together 2 shots I took over 10 years ago when my
Dad & I were holidaying in Canada. It's nothing special, but II
thought I'd share the results (~130k):


Taken around the Athabasca Falls area of Jasper National Park in
Alberta. As a young bloke who had only ever seen ice from the freezer,
this spun me right out. (Truth be told, it still spins me out :-).

To drag this back on topic, it was on that holiday when I got my first
Pentax SLR.



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