----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: What the F??

Sure some novices can get decent pictures with good cameras. But what is
their hit rate of decent pictures? And some total novices have an instinct for
photography anyway. And some don't.

This goes way beyond novices. Some people have a good eye, and they take good pictures, seemingly without effort. A better quality camera (lens, really) will improve their work by improving the technical quality of the image. Some people (I am one), don't have such a good eye, and really have to work at composition. In my case, the better quality lens, or larger format film improves the work by providing a level of technical quality that can at least turn a fuzzy concept into a sharp picture.
Often, that is enough.

However you want to look at it though, a better piece of equipment (lens anyway, camera bodies aren't so critical anymore) will produce a better quality image than one of lesser quality in any given circumstance beyond being put in the hands of a total fuck up.

Marnie aka Doe ;-)    Why the h am I defending something KR said anyway?

It probably warms Kenny's heart to know that someone else is as wrong about something as he is.
<smiley goes here>

William Robb

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