There's no one definite answer - it's a personal decision.

Obviously, for a given megapixel count, a larger sensor will be better.

The problem comes if you keep the sensor size fixed; does the extra
resolution you get from more megapixels outweigh the decrease in
signal-to-noise ratio (assuming comparable technology; this years 8MP
sensor way well have a better signal-to-noise ratio than last years 6MP).
There has to be a point beyond which extra resolution isn't important.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 01:04:32PM -0800, Jack Davis wrote:
> Good question and one I never think to ask.
> Jack
> --- Bill Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Where is the crossover point where sensor size overtakes the number
> > of 
> > megapixels in regards to final print quality.
> > 
> > Bill 

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