Could easily be transformed into the

Wild Feast


Jostein wrote:

It's pretty much universal for rural areas, I think.

Maybe the Wild Yeast?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronald Arvidsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: No fur, No photos

Here in the old world we learned the wild west - it should maybe the wild east....



Mark Roberts wrote:

Bob Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Several years ago I was on one of my driving trips in rural Virginia looking for interesting photographs. I was deep in the backwoods on a dirt road. I saw a stunning landscape so I stopped the car and got out (no room to pull over) planning to explore the possibilities of the scene. Just as I had gotten my tripod set up and was mounting the camera, a very rough looking country fellow in bib overalls stepped out of the woods, rifle in hand. He didn't say a word, just looked at me really hard. At about the same time a breeze kicked up
from his direction carrying the unmistakable smell -- a corn whiskey

still. I packed everything back in the car as quickly as I could and continued on my way. Some people you just don't mess with.

A good friend of mine is the medical examiner for Winston-Salem, NC (and
a lot of surrounding area). He knows all the general areas where the
stills and marijuana farms (pot is estimated by some to be North
Carolina's number 2 cash crop) are so he can make sure to get a police
escort when he needs to retrieve a body from one of these places. Some
of them have virtual private armies.

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