I'm with Paul and Shel. I *always* use a lens hood. The only exception is when it interferes with something (like the built in flash, possibly ... if I ever used it, that is).

My lens suite with hoods:


On Dec 24, 2005, at 12:45 PM, Paul Stenquist wrote:

Use a hood all the time, except perhaps with an on-camera flash that it might obstruct. The idea is to prevent light from hitting the lens at obtuse angles. At worst, extraneous light can cause serious flare. At least, it can cause some loss of contrast. You might not see the difference in most situation, but when you do see it, it's too late to go back and put the hood on. Use the hood. Many of us try to find hoods that offer even more protection than the original equipment version. For example, I use a hood originally meant for a Takumar 135 with my FA 50 when mounted on the *istD. It provides optimum protection, and with the reduced FOV of the digital camera, it doesn't vignette. Hoods are a good thing.
On Dec 24, 2005, at 3:15 PM, Sunny Use itChung wrote:

I have a lens hood, buy I hardly ever use it. Whenever I do use it, I
can never tell the difference in my pictures.  What is the best
situation to use hoods in, and how do get the most out of this
accessory.  So far, I know NOT to use it with flash and that it can
make my lens look bigger to non-camera people, but haven't really
figured out its use.

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