On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 00:38:19 -0000, Tom C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know we tangle up good-naturedly in this stuff, so let me preface my remarks by saying "I hope your are right".

You're very kind to use the words "good-natured". But I do usually try to be.

I see the Samsung name carrying less weight in the camera/photo world than the Pentax name. I see this dividing the market between Samsung and Pentax. Regardless of what name you put on the camera, there is a finite market for this model. I see that market simply being split in two between Samsung and Pentax, not increasing overall sales. I'm obviously not privy to the details of the agreement between Pentax and Samsung, but I would guess that each sale means more money in Samsung's pocket, than in Pentax's.

I don't think Samsung would have gone into this if they didn't expect to sell a whole lot of them. Samsung sells in supermarkets and all sorts of places, and are now extremely well-known to Joe Public, who is the target market for entry-level cameras.

The other problem I forsee, is that any number of buyers that just purchased this model, probably aren't going to go out and buy a 2nd more expensive upgrade model any time soon.

Soon enough. We all started somewhere, even HCB. And it's the lens sales that count. Once people have a few lenses, they're locked in.

If Samsung had come out with an 8MP+ model, antishake, any kind of significant improvement/upgrade, I would probably say this is the right way to go.

It's only been three months. I'm surprised to see anything. But I'll be surprised not to see something interesting before the end of the year.

And for you, Tom, this is surely the answer to your prayers. A reasonably assured future for the K-mount.

And, one good thing. It's diverted you from those terrible puns. Don't think we didn't notice, and cry.

Tom C.

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