Performance and (primarily) equipment compatibility were the reasons. The tipping point was doing a studio shoot with my Camera Club (the TPMG here in Toronto) where I couldn't use one of the lighting setups because of it being Canon wireless (The club is something like 90% Canon shooters). Getting better performance was a bonus (The EOS 3 offers more performance than any Pentax AF body), although I do miss some aspects of the D (HyperProgram especially).

Even when I had the D, I was still shooting about 60% film after the 1 month digital honeymoon (Mostly Tri-X in either my MX or my Nikon F601m), so the jump back to pure film wasn't too hard.

I'm looking to add a serious MF kit to my mix as well, probably Bronica SQ stuff (Pentax unfortunatly doesn't offer 6x6 kit)


Rick Womer wrote:
You went from shooting digital back to shooting 35mm? Could you tell us about that?


--- Adam Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I had my D, I usually left it locked to the
centre point, occasionally choosing another. I almost never used Auto point selection, which almost always picked the worst possible point.

With my EOS 3 (45 point unit) I usually leave it in
auto, and use FTM focusing to override the selection if necessary (And available, but I only use one lens which doesn't offer it), of course I could use Eye Controlled Focus, but that doesn't like my eyes (I squint). Manual Af point selection on the 3 is something that is a
little problematic.


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