On 5/8/06, William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Large population centers are slow to adapt to the trend, since the
population base is sufficient to keep a few places open for the weirdos that
still shoot film and want custom wet prints.
I suspect Ryerson is also having an effect in Toronto.
The last of a half dozen custom print labs closed here last fall.

William Robb

I don't mean to say that there are old-fashioned b&w labs on every
corner.  To be sure there aren't too many left.  Actually, I can think
of two, offhand, that still do it, my lab (B&W Labs) and Toronto Black
and White.

In fact, despite my lab's name, it does mostly digital these days -
Robert loves the darkroom, and says that he won't give it up until he
has to, but I wonder how much longer that's going to be.  I don't
think he has too many others that he does prints for.

As for Toronto Black and White, they're the largest black and white
lab that I know of in town.  Lord knows how much more time they've got

Just for those of you who aren't familiar, Toronto is a city of some 3
million (metropolitan), and those two are the last two labs that I'm
aware of (you know of any others, Adam or Dave?).  I can't imagine
that smaller cities have much (if any) choice left.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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