I have just learned something about it that pretty much seals the deal 
-- I'll be buying it if I have to sell a kidney to do it.  It addresses 
my most basic complaint about digital.  It's a feature that's so much 
of a no-brainer, and yet as far as I know not a single DSLR out there 
at any price, including ones using the same sensor, have it.

And unless I've missed some posts, no one has even speculated about it 
here.  Or even said "gee, I wish it could do this".

Brothers, I kid you not -- I may be selling my 67.  Naturally, I have 
to see it in action to see if it matches up to what the advantage 
should be in theory.  But if it does... holy crap.

Mid-September we're going to be seeing some forehead-slapping amongst 
the competition in the DSLR world.

Unless, of course, I've been fed a complete load of manure.  Which is 
entirely possible.


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