I've never shopped by "name", so I don't know what the write speed of an Ultra 
II translates to.



-----Original Message-----

From:  David Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: 4 GB SD cards for istDS/DS2, istDL/DL2
Date:  Tue 2006 Aug 22 7:03 am
Size:  1K
To:  Pentax-Discuss Mail List <pdml@pdml.net>

At 06:44 PM 22/08/2006, you wrote:

>On Aug 22, 2006, at 3:18 AM, David Savage wrote:
> > Not if you'd bought $500+ (a 1GB & a 2GB in my case) worth of CF cards
> > you wouldn't.
>David -- are those cards fast compared to what's out there currently,
>or would putting them into your new camera put you at a significant
>write speed disadvantage?  Considering when you bought them, I'm going
>to have to guess that they're very slow compared to what's out there
>now in SD.

All of them are Sandisk Ultra II's. Are the SD Ultra II's faster?

>So, to save $100 (the total cost of a fast 1GB card and a fast 2GB SD
>card if you don't shop around for the best price and get screwed on
>shipping) you would cripple your camera's write speed, effectively
>reducing the number of frames you could shoot in a row and how quickly
>you recover after shooting a burst.  Why would you do that?  Would you
>buy a $1200 film camera and insist on only putting Gold Max in it?

Probably, because I'm illogical.

> > For a camera maker know for backwards compatibility, IMO they should
> > have put in a dual memory card slot.
>Bad for two reasons:
>1) makes the camera bigger
>2) cheap users will constantly complain on the internet about how slow
>their very expensive new camera is.

The camera (K10D) has already got bigger to fit the SR mechanism.

I see your point guy's, it's just the Scottish blood in me that hates 
paying for stuff again and again.

I guess I'm overruled in this matter so I'll just shut my yap.


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