Can you recall her name Doug?  it's unlikely I would remember her, it was a 
long time ago!
Re the airport, the current tenderers have withdrawn because of government 
imposed tender conditions, but the situation is being revisited.  The 
endemic and unique bird may be the Wirebird, which lives only in a small 
area of the island, and quite close to the airport's planned location - mind 
you, most things are close on the island!

If you can do the trip, I highly recommend it: the Saints are terrific 
people, and the scenery is spectacular, as you've probably picked up from 
the web-site - is a good intro site, with useful links.

Sorry for the promo, I just loved the place and want more people to know 
about it!

John Coyle
Brisbane, Australia
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Douglas Newman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: Now Virgin Bans Some Laptop Batteries!

> --- From: "John Coyle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I travelled, in 1967, from Southampton to St.Helena
>> on the Capetown Castle -
>> never could make up my mind whether that was a
>> cruise or a voyage.
> Line voyage.
> A good friend of mine was a purserette (as they then
> called female pursers) aboard U-C ships including
> CAPETOWN CASTLE. It would be quite a coincidence if
> you were aboard at the same time!
> She wrote a book called "Union-Castle Purserette"
> which you might enjoy reading.
> One trip I'd really like to take (if I had the time
> and money) would be to St. Helena aboard the last
> working Royal Mail Ship, RMS ST. HELENA
> ( The few people I
> know who have done it have loved it and to me there is
> something very intriguing about a place that hasn't
> got an airport (yet).
> They were going to build an airport on St. Helena but
> I have now heard that some endangered birds lived on
> the site so they are not going to be building anything
> for the forseeable future. Works for me :-)!
> New Doug
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