

Lasse Karlsson wrote:

> Jody wrote:
> > Also I was getting a wee bit annoyed with all these
> > long emails from Pel with lots and lots of propaganda
> > about the MZ-S. Is he a salesman in real life? He
> > seems to have the gift of the gab (not meaning to
> > offend here).
> Well, for one using a lot of list space for general OT chit-chat, you really are 
>sticking your neck out, aren't you?
> Whether you get annoyed or not by his perfectly on topic messages, is frankly 
>completely beside the point, and very few list members are interested to know about 
> His name is Pel, or Paal, in case your reader doesn't get the letters right.
> As far as I know he's been a member of this list from around the very beginning in 
>1995, I believe.
> I regard him as a very valuable member of this list. Not that I always follow all 
>his messages in all threads, some of which may seem to stretch out ad infinitum, but 
>his reports on use of Pentax equipment is very well formulated. He has also to a 
>great extent initiated and broadened the perspectives regarding Pentax design and 
>marketing questions, maybe more than any other list member. This has been a valuable 
>feature of the list, no matter if it doesn't attract interest from everybody.
> He is persistent, and doesn't mind arguing about issues where he has an opinion. To 
>some people he seems at times to come across as too argumentative, provocative, or 
>maybe even harsh (and I can see why) but personally I think he's reasoning very well.
> Now, you Jody, are obviously not aware of some of the very heated debates regarding 
>on topic and off topic messages that have taken place on the list from time to time. 
>You may also have been slightly misled by a fairly "liberal" practice regarding 
>off-topic messages lately, so I don't want to be unfair and too hard on you, other 
>than informing you that there are many members who think that the percentage of 
>off-topic messages are way to high. There is a bit of dynamite hidden in there, if 
>you see what I mean.
> That's why you run a great risk in questioning or expressing personal 
>dissatisfaction with anybody's on topic messages.
> Now, you think about this, and do not take it all too personal. I just want to help 
>out in avoiding that this will become too big an issue. It would only lead to another 
>great flame war, believe me.
> With a friendly intention,
> Lasse
> -
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