I agree 176% .

Tom C.

>From: Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <pdml@pdml.net>
>To: "pentax list" <PDML@pdml.net>
>Subject: Re: Interview w/Pentax exec
>Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 16:46:13 +0100
>On 28/9/06, John Forbes, discombobulated, unleashed:
> >Your experience might differ, but the sentence is not meaningless.
>Yes it is.
>Let's take a look at it in detail.
> >> I've yet to see a wide-angle shot taken with
> >> a "FF" sensor that doesn't have soft or dark edges and corners.
>Right, I have some questions. First, just because John [C] has yet to
>see a wide-angle shot taken with a 'FF' sensor that doesn't have soft or
>dark edges and corners, does that mean that *all* wide-angle shots
>taken with a 'FF' sensor has soft or dark edges and corners ?? Because I
>have seen wide-angle shots taken with a 'FF' sensor that certainly are
>not soft or dark on the edges and corners. So who is right? Hence the
>statement is meaningless.
>Has the omnipresent Mr C actually compared all possible combinations of
>'FF' sensors and wide-angle lenses, at different apertures and different
>ISO settings etc etc ? Do you realise how many combinations that is? And
>if he has, under what circumstances?
>The sentence is as meaningless as:
>'Christ the Lord has risen'
>'You get a better hit with cocaine'
>'You're safer with a Smith and Wesson'
>***however***  here is an example of the opposite:
>'You are statistically less like to get pregnant if you use contraception'.
>(Just trying to think if I can work in any more stereotypes here....)
> >However I am a little surprised by it.  If the corners are soft/dark on
> >digital, they would be on film too.
>Not necessarily. I believe it's to do with the angles of incidence on a
>FF sensor. Cheap lenses cause some problems in this area.
>   Cotty
>||   (O)   |     People, Places, Pastiche
>||=====|    http://www.cottysnaps.com
>PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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