On Sun, 1 Oct 2006, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

> So, how well does Canon do at higher ISO setting?  Do they equal or exceed
> what we've seen thus far from Pentax?

Not sure you can extract viable conclusions about CMOS this way, Shel, 
in the sense that the software plays a great part in the equation. 
Potentially manufacturers that use the same chip will come up with 
products that fare differently when it comes to noise.

So when Christian comes back and says that his Canon is much better 
than the Pentax, it may just mean that the Canon software on his model 
is better than that of his Pentax model.

And sw is only one factor.

I would look at performance from specific models as opposed to 
specific technologies. And there is the other can of worms; does the 
operator know what they are doing.


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