From: "Paul Stenquist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Thanks Lasse. Good to see you here.


> I'm hoping this will be the beginning of the next part of my life.

Well, I'll share those hopes for you.

> But one never knows. All we
> can do is to keep pounding away at it. I think writing is a habit. If
> you do it every day, it becomes a part of your life. It's like
> dieting. You just have to get started.

Let's see if I can too. In fact today I contacted two publishers by 
telephone regarding a project I've been thinking of for a long time. Not a 
novel though.
I will have to submit a draft or a synopsis, and we'll continue from there.

Anyway, I guess there is enough headroom on the list to allow for a bit of 
literary OT for a change among cars, beverages, dogs and OS:s etc.:

I gather you have been writing a lot, however mostly shorter things as I 
understand from earlier posts by you.
When writing a (first) novel, you deal with a completely new aspect of 
writing/telling - the extended form, the development of the story etc. - has 
this posed problems or dilemmas to you while writing, or have you been able 
to write this draft without any particular agony about how to find a form 
which benefits your story the best?


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