Dear JCO,

Like I said twice before, I didn't notice much difference in focusing the
35mm @ F8 compared to the 105.  As said before, YMMV.

Why argue about personal experiences and opinion.  It seems that anyone who
has an opinion or an experience different than your is a liar or full of
BS.  Give it a rest already!


> [Original Message]
> From: J. C. O'Connell
> Cant you read?, I said COMPARED to 105mm/telephoto lenses.
> I can focus just about any lens I own on any
> camera I own in any light, but its much harder and much
> slower to get it right as the lenses get wider and/or slower.
> Using a 105mm lens as an example when the topic
> was specifically about a 35mm lens was wrong. No camera is ever
> going to make the 35mm lens just as easy to focus
> as the 105mm lens at the same f-stop/speed.
> jco
> -----Original Message-----
> From
> Shel Belinkoff

> Just to be doubly sure about my experiences, I attached a 35/3.5 to the
> DSLR and easily focused @ f8.0 in a dark hallway where the contrast was
> not very great.  YMMV.
> Of course, it may be that I've used these lenses on older bodies for a
> much longer time than you have, and may just be better at adjusting to
> their limitations, which are not very limiting on the newer bodies.

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