
I'm a quantitative, measurable kind of guy with a background and love
of science.  I see what you are saying, but recognize that 'Science'
is much more political than most any scientist will admit.  Ths
scientific establishment dismissed/burried Einstein for nearly 20
years before it acknowledged he was right.  The experimantal results
finally overwhelmed the prevailing theories.

In this case, I am a bit suspicious.  The climatologists have way too
much incentive to find that 'The Sky Is Falling!'  If it is, they are
terribly important people and we must pay absolute attention to
everything they say.  If it isn't, then their work is just another
'ho-hum' fact in the ebb and flow of our planet.

Now what outcome do you think those who study climate would favor for
their careers?  Only actual results will tell us the truth.

Regards,  Bob S.

On 12/24/06, Steve Farnham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Apparently man can't adversely affect the
> environment. Didn't you know
> >> the recent rises in global temperature are all
> natural phenomenon?
> >>
> >There is something to be said for this theory as
> well.
> >Both sides of the debate have political motivations,
> >I don't trust either
> >side to be honest.
> >William Robb
> Non-scientists have opinions all over the map, and
> many of them are politically motivated.
> Climatologists, that is scientists who have spent
> years learning the underlying science and more years
> studying the climate by actually going out and
> measuring things, and in general are not political,
> pretty much agree that mankind has contributed to
> global climactic change and that the change may become
> irreversable in the near future.  What disagreement
> exists amoung climatologists is more to do with timing
> than anything else.
> So, people who don't know what they're talking about
> claim that the people who do know what they're talking
> about are mostly wrong.  What does that tell you?
> Steve Farnham
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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