I gather the 1600 ISO is the third shot down? Nice image and, at a
quick glance, the sharpest of the group. Likely a faster shutter.(?)

--- William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While the fellas were out for their evening constitutional, I looked
> at the 
> heavens and saw a very clear sky with the moon in a location that I
> could 
> take pictures of it easily.
> So, I set up the rig again, and went about photographing it again.
> This time, I set the focus most carefully, and used a cable release
> on the 
> camera, along with the 3 second delay.
> Then, I decided to ramp up the ISO to see if I could get some noise.
> There are three shots of the moon on this page, the top was shot at
> ISO 100, 
> the middle at ISO 400, the bottom was shot at ISO 1600.
> Again, this series was shot with the A600/5.6 with the 2XL converter 
> mounted. I attempted to process each file as close to identically as
> I 
> could, though I gave the ISO 1600 file less sharpening as it was
> showing 
> noise at that point.
> http://users.accesscomm.ca/wrobb/pictures/moon/moons.html
> Anyway, as a technical experiment, it seems successful, as a
> photograph, the 
> subject line says it all.
> William Robb 
> -- 
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