I would learn much more by assisting a wedding pro in a real scenario but of
course do also read all the photo books and Ebooks I can get my hands on.
In fact I have over 100 books mostly quite old ones on photography and start
to collect some of them. I have to deal with clients & expectations in my
job too and
do not expect it to be that different with a wedding.

Digital bodies would have helped me especially with flash photography in the
past during events because of the immediate control.
For group shots it would help a lot too. Otherwise I do like my two film
bodies equipped with a 35 and a 50/90/135mm for party events.

-----Original Message-----
J. C. O'Connell
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:40 PM
To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
Subject: RE: Asked to do a wedding.

dont forget, your memory card(s) can fail with digital even
if you got some good shots. I know it's rare but its still a
And the kind of things that I learned from the book have nothing
to do with cameras, it has to do with the kind of shots to
take and how to deal with the clients before during and after the
wedding itself. If you do any
weddings, get a good book on wedding photography and read it cover to
cover FIRST.

-----Original Message-----
Markus Maurer
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 4:00 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: RE: Asked to do a wedding.

I said No when asked lately for the first time because of a
recommendation of a client to photograph a wedding for good money
because I feared the risk. But, with 2 (well known digital) Pentax
bodies with external flash instead of my film equipment I would have
done it to get some experience and a portfolio. I would have visited the
church and the other locations in advance for some test shots if
possible. Since you see the results with digital immediately, I would
have felt capable do deliver something good. The risk of "false
expectations" from the client side remains always however.

Taking paid "party photos" is so much easier and I did it twice so far
with good results and happy clients. But again, I should have used
digital cameras to make a very small profit, it's impossible with the
cost of film and the time it takes to scan everything and burn CD's .

I'm in fact playing with the idea to ask a professional wedding
photographer if he will engage me as an assistant for a small fee to
learn and see for myself from time to time. What do you think, would
that be an interesting proposal for a professional. How about PJ's, do
they engage assistants?


-----Original Message-----
J. C. O'Connell
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 4:53 PM
To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
Subject: RE: Asked to do a wedding.

By all means read a good book on the subject. I bought
"Pro Techniques of Wedding Photography" on HP books ISBN 0-89586-632-3
about 10 years ago and found it enormously helpful for a whole bunch of
things. I dont think you will learn as much by just watching a pro as
you will by a good book written by a pro on the topic. I gave up doing
weddings even though I was getting great results and refferals because
its too pressure filled with only one chance to get it just right. You
cant reshoot a wedding or reception if something goes wrong for any
reason and I hated the pressure of that even though I didnt have any
major mishaps. I made some good money but it just wasnt worth the stress
of the experiences. After reading the book, I was much more relaxed
about it all but I still didnt like any pressure at all, and no matter
how well planned you are and how good you are, there is still always
going to be some pressure in those type situations/jobs. jco

-----Original Message-----
J and K Messervy
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 4:20 AM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Asked to do a wedding.

I have been asked whether I'd be interested in photographing the wedding
of the brother of an acquaintance.

Now, I'm a very keen amateur and have been really into photography for
about 15 months.  I'm really thrilled to have been asked (the request
was based on my work in my online gallery), but also more than a little
hesitant to commit to doing it.  The wedding isn't until October, so
there's lots of

time to prepare.

I've never been responsible for taking photos for any important event, I

just take them for myself.  I know the technical side and use the K10D's

various manual functions, etc and I know I'm a reasonably good
photographer. I'm not sure that I'm good enough to do a wedding though,
it's more than a little scary.

I know there are people with pro experience on here, so I'm looking for
advice, tips, etc.

I reckon if I do it, I'll want another flash (360 to go with my 540), a
fast normal range zoom, lots of SD cards, etc.  What else should I be
thinking about?  I will have plenty of time to prepare and the venue is
here in Canberra, so i can scout it out and try shooting my family
there, etc.

Should I back myself, trust my skills and jump in?  It could lead to a
lucrative sideline and would certainly boost my experience and
confidence if successful.  It would also be a real sense of
accomplishment if I did a good job.  What pitfalls are there?

I don't even know what I should charge.  I reckon I'd have to spend a
bit on gear to be ready, but I can't factor that into my fee.

Any and all tips, tricks and advice would be greatly appreciated!



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