I'm not going to start an argument. but there could have been other 
factors involved.  One of which could be how old your friend was.  I've 
seen some pretty hairy Europeans...

Bob W wrote:
> so much for not inflammatory!
> There are, as usual, several agendas going on. The USA tries to use
> the WTO to force Europeans to take all their crap. Europe is about
> standards, including stuff like food contents, and the standards for
> Europe do not include a lot of the crap that the US food conglomerates
> feed to you unfortunates. Perhaps there is some protectionism going
> on, but the USA is really not in any position to point the finger at
> others in that regard. 
> But it is certainly true that American meat tends to be more stuffed
> full of that sort of crap than ours - the figures are in the public
> domain. I have personally seen the effects of this on a friend of mine
> who came back from a year in the USA considerably hairier ('down
> South') than she was before she left! 
> The important thing though is consumer education and awareness and
> forcing the producers and retailers to label things correctly and
> openly. Standards have improved enormously over here in recent years,
> and more and more crap is being removed from our food all the time.
> I've been buying organic food since the early 1980s - you used to have
> to struggle to get it, going to out-of-the-way shops run by beardies
> and hippies, and paying a real premium price for it. Nowadays it is
> readily available on every high street and significantly cheaper than
> it used to be (although still more expensive than the crap).
> --
>  Bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Behalf Of P. J. Alling
>> Sent: 26 April 2007 15:39
>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> Subject: Re: WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich
>> I wonder how much of that is real health concerns and how 
>> much is hidden 
>> protectionism.
>> mike wilson wrote:
>>>> From: "Bob W" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Date: 2007/04/25 Wed PM 06:58:06 GMT
>>>> To: "'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'" <pdml@pdml.net>
>>>> Subject: RE: WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich
>>>> Throw away the bread and have it with Yorkshire puddings, 
>> gravy, and
>>>> roast potatoes.
>>>> --
>>>>  Bob
>>> Better still, feed it to someone you don't like.  American 
>> beef is so full of hormones and antibiotics it can't be 
>> imported to the EU and as for British beef........
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> Behalf Of Shel Belinkoff
>>>>> Sent: 25 April 2007 13:31
>>>>> To: PDML
>>>>> Subject: WAY OT, but not inflamatory: Roast Beef Sandwich
>>>>> OK gang, this may be one of the strangest questions asked on 
>>>>> the PDML in
>>>>> quite a while, and might give the list a few chuckles.  Apart
> from
>>>> one
>>>>> sandwich in 1957, I've never had a roast beef sandwich.  I've 
>>>>> eaten a wide
>>>>> variety of food in many different countries, but never a 
>> roast beef
>>>>> sandwich. Yesterday I was gifted with a half pound of very 
>>>>> nice looking
>>>>> roast beef, nicely sliced, and ready to go between two slices 
>>>>> of bread.
>>>>> However, I haven't a clue about a dressing. I recall that 
>>>>> roast beef goes
>>>>> well with horseradish, maybe mustard, but beyond that I 
>>>>> haven't a clue. 
>>>>> What dressings and accompaniments might you suggest for a 
>>>>> nice, tasty roast
>>>>> beef sandwich. 
>>>>> Thanks for any and all ideas,
>>>>> Shel
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>>>> PDML@pdml.net
>>>>> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net
>>>> -- 
>>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>>>> PDML@pdml.net
>>>> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net
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>> -- 
>> Entropy Seminar: The results of a five yeer studee ntu the 
>> sekend lw uf thurmodynamiks aand itz inevibl fxt hon shewb rt 
>> nslpn raq liot.
>> -- 
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>> PDML@pdml.net
>> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net

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