After the work in Photoshop, you need to use the "save as" function, not 

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Pentax gallery rejection

>I submitted a couple of photos taken with a istD camera and they were
> not accepted because they could not read the Exif info. I cropped the
> photos in Photoshop and adjusted the color balance, etc. The reason
> was because they did not see the firmware..So I resubmitted them as
> scanned images and again they were rejected. In the info I did say
> they were shot with the istD camera and a 200mm F2.8 Pentax lens.
> I checked the exif info on the pictures and it does say that the istD
> was the camera used but for firmware it says Photoshop......Any
> Thoughts..Thanks Joe

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