Hmm,  I wonder if the vast majority of mid to low tier camera Pentax K100\K110, 
Cannon 30D\Rebel, Nikon D200\D50) users ever move the selector dial off 
automatic.  Don't get me wrong, I shoot RAW images with my wife's digital SLR, 
but it is on rare occasion she ever moves the selector to manual or any setting 
without a little picture (and if she does then she shoots with whatever 
settings I last shot with.)  I seem to remember with film SLR cameras the 
general feeling was people used them as glorified point and shoot cameras.  I 
doubt this has changed with the move to digital.  So, while testing a jpeg may 
not reflect real-world SLR performance, I believe it does reflect how a 
majority of DSLR  mid to low tier digital camera owners shoot.  

Don't read to much into the above.  It is based on my belief, not any hard 


From: Adam Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>Subject: Re: Amazon buys
>Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 22:58:26 -0400
>The major issue I have with Phil is his insistence on testing primarily
>in JPEG mode. His tests are designed for, and quite good for, P&S
>cameras. They do not adequately reflect real-world SLR performance.

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