On the few occassions I've shot for the NY Times, they've asked only for hi-res 
jpegs. I shot RAW, but they never requested the original files. However, none 
of these were for what you would call "hard news" stories.
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> William Robb wrote:
> >The pro guys I deal with are mostly shooting jpg. The exceptions are 
> when 
> >they feel the need for the extra WB control, although even then, they 
> aren't 
> >doing much beyond using the default conversion to jpg.
> Is this mostly in a studio environment? JPEG makes sens there because 
> lighting and exposure are controlled. All the wedding pros I know 
> personally shoot Raw because of the constantly changing lighting.
> And many PJ photographers are required by their employers to shoot Raw 
> now, so that they have a verifiable "original" in case allegations of 
> image manipulation come up. When Patrick Schneider spoke at the GFM 
> Camera Clinic (the late summer PJ event) in the midst of his image 
> alteration controversy a few years ago, he revealed that the Charlotte 
> Observer has *always* required its photographers to shoot Raw. The 
> paper keeps a permanent archive of all its photographers' Raw files 
> just in case questions about a photo's authenticity arise later. Given 
> the various scandals that have arisen since then, I'd be amazed if most 
> major papers didn't have very similar policies.
> -- 
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