Really not. They're still very much en vogue, and often accurate (like
most jokes that aren't PC these days) ;)

One time, me and some of my brothers were going down to CT for the
weekend. One of us brought his girlfriend along. This was a heinous
act punishable by a severe beating (chapter trip to another chapter,
and someone is bringing his ball & chain? Inexcusable! But what could
we say at the last minute?) Since he was driving, he expected his
girlie to ride shotgun. Well she did.

>From montreal, all you need to do is catch I-89 southbound, then
switch to i-91 when you meet it, and that's basically it. We had
printed directions from 2 websites, written directions from the CT
chapter, and a big ole map.Since the gal got to ride shotgun, she got
to navigate for us.

Well, come 1am, we're lost. Turns out the gal decided she wanted to
see Brooklyn, and for ~100 miles, never noticed we were going in the
opposite direction.

We told both of them off and managed to find our way back using only
the map, with another set of driver/navigator.

Despite her massive screwup that cost us 4 hours and a tank of gas,
she still had her high & mighty 'tude all weekend and made life
miserable for the lot of us, whining about how our jokes were too
dirty, how we were drinking too much, how we didn't cook our steaks
enough, how we spent too much time swimming and never took her to see
the sights, how she didn't like the music we played, etc etc etc. This
is a failure by the boyfriend to dictate acceptable behavior. But
then, he only acts tough.

We should have kicked her out of the van in brooklyn as a decoy and
gunned it out. We were being eyed (very bad part of town, it seemed)
and we needed to get out of there FAST, but we had to find a way to
un-f*** ourselves after the number she did.

And we never needed to ask for directions. We got ourselves out of it :)

Long story short, she is now persona non grata at any and every event,
depite the two of em being engaged.

And that's the way I like it.

> Okay, sexist jokes like this went out 15-20  years ago.

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