Yep, that threat inertially doesn't exist.  Tell me how jbe sure to 
visit the twin towers next time you're in New York, and ask a *Kuwait* 
how the former Iraqi regime and their peaceful intentions. 

Paul Sorenson wrote:
> Bill -
> That's where we diverge in our methodology.  The unfortunate truth is 
> that if you don't have a chain of command, you really don't have an 
> effective military.  So, yes, we do have heroes - everyone who puts 
> their all on the line at the will of their commander is a hero in my 
> book.  No more so nor less now than when your father fought.
> The problem lies with the politicians (and the "commander-in-chief", no 
> matter what name you give him/her is *still* a politician) that make the 
> policy to put the military into action.  And with the populace who let 
> themselves be led down the primrose path to where we are now under the 
> guise of protecting us from something (which in reality didn't exist).
> We're not a fascist state yet, but if we become one it won't be because 
> of military initiative, it will be from politicians ignoring the 
> constitution and the people being apathetic enough to let them do it.
> -p
> William Robb wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Paul Sorenson"
>> Subject: Re: Bouncer
>>> I wish more Americans felt this way instead of acting like sheep every
>>> time someone takes a crack at eroding more of our civil liberties.
>> The first step is to stop revering your war veterans as if they are some 
>> sort of heros.
>> They aren't heros.
>> What this reverence does is give you a national tendency to do what the 
>> military (by extension what you call the "commander in chief", I believe) 
>> tells you to do without question, and to follow the directives of anyone who 
>> puts on a uniform.
>> William Robb 

All dogs have four legs; my cat has four legs. Therefore, my cat is a dog.

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