----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Sorenson"
Subject: Re: Bouncer

> Bill -
> That's where we diverge in our methodology.  The unfortunate truth is
> that if you don't have a chain of command, you really don't have an
> effective military.  So, yes, we do have heroes - everyone who puts
> their all on the line at the will of their commander is a hero in my
> book.  No more so nor less now than when your father fought.

I guess the difference is that my father never saw himself as a hero. He was 
sent off to do a job, he did it competently (he was an artillery spotter), 
and he came home and got on with life. He didn't want to be put on a plinthe 
for his efforts, he just didn't ever want to pick up a gun, ever again.
He did a job that needed doing, but he never felt good about the number of 
deaths he caused during his stint, and he never lost sight of the fact that 
the people he killed were people.

We don't have the long love affair with our military.

> The problem lies with the politicians (and the "commander-in-chief", no
> matter what name you give him/her is *still* a politician) that make the
> policy to put the military into action.  And with the populace who let
> themselves be led down the primrose path to where we are now under the
> guise of protecting us from something (which in reality didn't exist).
> We're not a fascist state yet, but if we become one it won't be because
> of military initiative, it will be from politicians ignoring the
> constitution and the people being apathetic enough to let them do it.

If you do it will be a combination of apathy, a political arm willing take 
advantage of said apathy, and a military arm willing to do the bidding of 
the politicians, not because it is the right thing to do, but because they 
are following orders, blindly and without concience.

William Robb 

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