AlunFoto wrote:
> Toralf,
> You can determine the type of communication by looking at the number
> of pins on the hotshoe. If there are 3 small pins in addition to the
> X-terminal, it's a digital communication flash. 2 small pins means the
> flash speaks analog TTL, with the belonging voltages.
> [ ... ]
> Boz Dimitrov has a tabular description of the analog TTL flashes here:
Yes. Thanks.

Unfortunately, I'm don't have the opportunity to inspect the actual 
Vivitar unit, and I can't find a picture of it's hot shoe.

But actually, I just realised I've been thinking about this wrong all 
along. According to the above info, the ME Super is actually too old to 
support any kind of automation, besides auto-selection of flash sync 
speed and "flash ready" display. I've also assumed this in the past, and 
set my other flash to "auto" rather than TTL, but I forgot all about 
that earlier (I don't do a lot of flash photography, as you can probably 

So unless I want to use only my AF bodies for macro shots, I suppose 
what I should look for is a unit that has a non-TTL auto mode. Perhaps 
this is also the best way to get some compatibility with a possible 
future DSLR. Except, of course, the full-frame MZ-5D will obviously also 
fully support normal TTL automation ;-)

- Toralf

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